12 May 2021

In July 2019, we hosted a member fundraising Q&A with Sported volunteer Ravi Vedi. She got a chance to answer the burning questions that our group leaders have always wanted to ask a specialist. Questions included:

  • What do we need to have in place before trying to fundraise?
  • What makes a funding application stand out?
  • What are the best ways to get the whole group involved in fundraising?
  • What kind of evidence would you need to support your grant application?
  • How do you compete with organisations that are not honest in their applications or PR?
  • How do you structure a fundraising strategy?
  • How do you get volunteers to fundraise?
  • What are the differences between restricted and unrestricted funds?
  • How can Sported support your fundraising efforts?
  • What length should the grant submission be?