About your membership

What can you get with your FREE Sported membership?

You are part of the UK's largest network of community groups, sports clubs and charities using the power of sport and physical activity to transform young lives and communities.

We are here to help you achieve your goals and make sure that you're here for the long haul.

How we support you

There's so much that you can access as part of your FREE Sported membership. This includes:

  • You're here! In the Sported Hub you can check out all of the great resources that you can access
    • Select the Learner area to check out our Learner Journeys where we keep all the how-to guides, templates and videos related to whatever topic in which you're looking to get support
    • Search the Sported Funding Bulletin to find funding available for your organisation and find out other places to look for funding
    • Find out about the 1:1 support you can access from our team of professional Sported volunteers
    • Check out the discounts and offers available from Sported partners
    • Book on to one of our FREE events tailored to members' needs
  • Every month you will received the Sported Funding Bulletin and Member Newsletter - these include the latest funding opportunities nationally and regionally as well as news, offers and opportunities relevant to you
  • Support from your local Sported team
  • Support from the Member Services team
Nadia Lipsey

Nadia Lipsey

Network Services & Benefits Manager

Clare Nichols

Clare Nichols

Network Services Coordinator

Carrie Martinson

Carrie Martinson

Training, Resources and Development Coordinator

Not sure where to start? Just get in touch [email protected]
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Volunteer support

Need support? We’ve an expert who can help

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Resource search

Search through all Sported resources and services available to you.

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Discounts and offers

Find out about our exclusive discounts and offers for Sported members

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New webinars, workshops and events for the Sported network

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Bespoke funding reports

Looking for funding for something specific?

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Sported Members' Panel

Find out more about our first Sported Members' Panel

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