Sported Impact Journey

Impact is the difference you make. It is the broad/and or long-term effects of your activities, outputs and outcomes, after taking into consideration an estimate of what would likely have happened anyway. 

What is Impact Practice?

Impact Practice is much broader than just impact measurement. Impact Practice is the range of activities that an organisation does to focus on its impact. It is all the things you do to put impact into practice. 

What's the point?

It’s easy to think of impact measurement as a distraction – something funders demand of you for their own purposes rather than something that can benefit you directly; something that takes up time staring at spreadsheets that could be spent on a pitch or in the ring. But done right, Impact Practice can invaluable: it can help you demonstrate the value of your work, and work better… as well as attract money. 

How we can support you?

At Sported, we see developing your Impact Practice as a journey that we’ve broken into smaller  'Modules' of learning: from discovering what impact your group is seeking to achieve, right through to embedding impact throughout your group and putting ‘impact in action’.

Whatever stage you’re at, we’ve put together some resources to make sure it’s as easy as possible to get you started or to improve your processes.  

Download the Sported member's impact journey

Sported Impact Journey Overview

Along each step, we have resources and volunteer support to assist you. Contact our Network Services team, or your local Sported contact to request support and check out the resources below.


Impact Practice Resources

Sported Hub Resource Graphics (16).png
Members only

Funding carousel

Impact practice