The Barclays Community Football Fund access grants aim to support grassroots, community groups, working within the most deprived areas of the UK.
We want to make sure our funding reaches organisations providing accessible football activities for the most underrepresented groups of young people. 
£1000 Access Grant.jpg

Who is eligible to apply?

We welcome applications from not-for-profit organisations including community groups, youth groups and traditional football clubs. Groups must meet the following criteria:

  • You operate in an area of high deprivation and support the hardest to reach young people. We use the Government Indices of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) to establish eligibility and only organisations located in or supporting young people from IMD areas 1-3 are eligible to apply.
  • We recognise the disproportionate impact that the pandemic and cost of living crisis has had on young people with disabilities and will consider disability football applications from groups that sit outside of IMD areas 1-3.
  • You are already delivering football activities to young people under the age of twenty five, or you are wanting to start with our support. 
  • You are delivering services directly to beneficiaries from one or more of our priority groups as follows: women and girls, racially diverse communities, young people with disabilities, from the LGBTQ+ community and from lower socio-economic areas. 

How much can I apply for?

You can apply for an access grant of £1000 to support delivery of your football activities to engage with young people from underrepresented groups.

You can apply for one grant of £1000 per club/group. We cannot give out awards to different teams within a club so please consider where the funds are most needed. 

What are the open and closing dates for the fund?

The first round this year has already closed but a limited amount of funding will be made available in the second round which will be open from Monday 15th July until Sunday 15th September 2024.

Please note that we expect the fund to be extremely popular and may close earlier if we receive a high volume of eligible applications. We encourage you to read the criteria thoroughly and submit an application early for the best chance of success.

Groups who applied and were unsuccessful in the first round may reapply if you can meet all of the eligibility criteria and have additional information that you can add to strengthen your application. Please be aware that we have limited funding to distribute and the programme is very competitive.

For more information, please read through our frequently asked questions below.

Access Grant FAQs

What does our application need to include?

The Barclays Community Football Fund is all about the inclusion of young people from underrepresented groups. This includes women and girls, racially diverse communities, young people with disabilities, from the LGBTQ+ community and from lower socio-economic areas.

We need you to clearly show how your organisation is inclusive of one or more of these underrepresented groups, what football activities you have on offer for them and how you know these activities are needed.

In 2024, we are only looking to fund groups operating in the most deprived areas across the UK. We will need you to demonstrate that you are operating in an area of high deprivation (IMD 1-3) and the challenges faced by the young people you support. We will consider disability football applications from groups that sit outside of IMD areas 1-3.

How can I check whether we are in an IMD 1-3 area?

We are using the Government Indices of Multiple Deprivation from across the UK. Please find links below where you are able to check your postcode.




Northern Ireland

What can the funding be used for?

The funding can be used for anything that will support your delivery of football activities to underrepresented groups. Typical examples of costs might include a contribution towards:

  • Venue hire including floodlights / heating
  • Coaching costs
  • Volunteer expenses
  • Equipment
  • Kit
  • Marketing and communications
  • Training and qualifications
  • Insurances and affiliation 

We are unable to fund trips abroad, costs associated with elite football or talent development, and school based football activities.

What else do we need to submit along with our application?

You will need to attached two documents to your application:

  1. A governing document, e.g. Club Constitution or Articles of Association. This is so we can ensure you are a not-for-profit organisation benefiting the local community. Unfortunately, we are unable to fund Sole Traders or Companies limited by shares.
  2. A bank statement in the name of your organisation. The statement needs to be dated within the last 3 months and clearly show the account name, sort code and account number. This is so we can make payment if you are successful. We do not need to see any transactions or balance. We are unable to fund personal bank accounts, so the account name must match that name of the organisation applying.

We will also ask you to declare that you have an up-to-date Safeguarding policy, Health and Safety policy including risk assessments and relevant insurance to cover your activities.

When does the funding need to be spent?

The funding will ideally be spent within a six month period, to allow us to monitor the impact of the programme.

What reporting will we be required to complete?

We want to see how the fund and support has impacted your organisation. You will be required to complete a short feedback form six months after receiving your grant. Some organisations may also be selected for an audit and required to provide copies of invoices paid and receipts for any items connected to the grant.

Are schools eligible to apply for the fund?

Due to the work Barclays do with their Girls School Football Partnership, schools and other educational institutions are unfortunately not eligible to apply for the fund. Charities that support schools may be considered if they are inclusive of young people from the wider community and not just pupils from that school.

Our organisation has already received a grant from the Barclays Community Football Fund, can we still apply?

Groups who received a £500 grant from the Barclays Community Football Fund in 2022 or 2023 are eligible to reapply. However, we expect the fund to be extremely popular and if oversubscribed, we will prioritise applications from new groups. This is so we can reach and support as many groups across the UK as possible. Please take this into consideration before taking the time to re-apply.

Groups who received a larger, deep impact grant from the Barclays Community Football Fund in 2022 or 2023 are unfortunately, not eligible to reapply.

What support can you offer if I have additional needs, or I am facing barriers in applying?

We will accommodate different accessibility needs to give organisations the best chance of communicating their idea and plans with us. This could be arranging a conversation with a member of our team to provide clarity on the questions and process, or providing information and the application form in accessible formats. We will consider any requests for accessibility that will reduce a barrier to applying.

We have a word version of our application available if needed. You can submit this or copy and paste your answers into the online form when you are ready.

If you would like a word version of our application form, require additional support or wish to make an accessibility request, we are happy to help. Please get in touch at [email protected] 

Ready to apply?

If you are not a Sported member or an existing grantee, you will need to create an account to start your application. If you already have an account, just log in to apply.

Not a member?

If you are not a Sported member or haven't applied for a grant before, click here to set up an account.

Create account

Already have an account?

If you are a Sported member or already have an account, just click here to apply.

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